Neem Plus (90vcaps)


Promotes blood purification and detoxification
Promotes and supports healthy, radiant skin
Helps maintain blood glucose levels already within a normal range*



NEEM PLUS™ has Azadirachta indica (neem) for its immune-supporting and skin healing properties. It also has a proprietary blend of Emblica officinalis (amla) for its antioxidant and adaptogenic properties; Terminalia chebula (haritaki) as a mild laxative for relief of occasional constipation and detoxifier; Terminalia belerica for its digestive and liver support, as well as Tinospora cordifolia and Rubia cordifolia for their immune-supporting effects. Neem Plus™ helps to support a healthy digestive system and microbiome while also promoting skin health.

Guna (Properties): Light
Rasa (Taste): Astringent, bitter
Vipak (Post-Digestive Taste): Pungent
Virya (Energies): Cold
Prabhav (Effects): Kusht roghar and rakat shodhak (promotes healthy skin and wound healing and helps maintains normal blood sugar balance)

Supplemental Facts:

The Latin name, Azadirachta indica, for neem is derived from the Arabic language Azadirach-E-Hind, which translates to free growing tree of India. All parts of this evergreen branched tree are highly regarded in Ayurvedic medicine. The young fruits, stem and root bark are astringent, while the fresh twigs are often used to clean teeth. The seed is a stimulant, while the oils and seeds offer antiseptic and insect repellant properties. Neem has been recognized for its use in offering a healthy response to fungus, infection and immune support, is a digestive stimulant for healthy digestion, liver supporting and healthy detoxification, and blood sugar support.

Suggested Use:

1 capsule two times daily or as directed by your physician.